

My lovely wife has joined the blog world lovetolaughoutloud. Check it out when you get a chance. She is an excellent writer. Warning: high drama.

And speaking of my lovely wife, we are currently in a battle over the thermostat in our apartment. She tried to make a truce but I am refusing. It is more like a cease-fire on my part.

Laura has the heat jacked up to 78-79 degrees! She wanted to call a truce at 75! Yeah, that's what I'm saying. The heat is so intense I can smell the paint burning. I can handle 70, maybe 72. I don't know what to do. I need some help on this one.

What is a reasonable temperature to heat your home to? And keep in mind that my Laura as wonderful as she is, is not reasonable.


Ed said...

me and jenn keep the heat set at 64. granted we walk around at night in sweatshirts and pants but the heating bill stays low. also the snuggeling stays at a maximum. I dont know anyone who sets it above 72.

chewie said...

nat and i have this problem... we solved it through thermostat compromise and blankets!

Example: You pick a temp. She picks a temp. Put it in the middle - you go to bed in shorts and use the comforter; she goes to bed in long-sleeve flannel PJ's and sneaks an extra blanket or two on her side of the bed under the comforter. Presto!